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Biodiesel csiro

Posted by Flora Sawita

Accounting for the environment while counting biofuel feedstocks
EcoGeneration - ‎Mar 29, 2011‎
Further research being done by the Sustainable Biofuel Production project at CSIRO integrates the technical availability of biomass with economics and demonstrates that using currently available biomass, the production of ethanol from second generation ...
National supply under threat, says report
Sydney Morning Herald - Debra Jopson - ‎Apr 4, 2011‎
But if some grazing land is switched to producing fruit and vegetables, it may lead to lamb and dairy shortages and threaten water security by 2030, research by the CSIRO and two universities has found. If the nation tries to become more ...
Biofuels: Wealth from waste
Cowra Community News - ‎Mar 17, 2011‎
TRANSFORMING waste plant material into a sustainable, low-emission fuel for the world's cars, trucks and planes is the aim of a new research collaboration between the CSIRO and leading Australian and UK universities. Launched in Canberra on March 16, ...
CQU in push for research facility
Rockhampton Morning Bulletin - Adrian Taylor - ‎Mar 10, 2011‎
Professors Scott Bowman and Jennelle Kyd are keen to get the keys to the CSIRO labs in Kawana. TEN university research professors are being recruited as CQUniversity seeks to establish itself as a premier scientific research centre. ...


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