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The Doggie Bag Dilemma

Posted by Flora Sawita

So far, we've extensively discussed the differences in paper and plastic grocery bags and the different issues that come from using each type. We can't neglect another kind of commonly used plastic bag that can also do damage to the environment: The doggie bag. The amount of people who own a dog is staggering, and when you think about how many times a dog poops per day, the amount of plastic bags used for cleaning up after them can be astronomical. Most people just use used grocery bags to avoid the cost of doggie bags, which most often are not biodegradable. Though it is completely necessary to use plastic bags for this purpose, and a responsibility for any dog owner to pick up after their dog, there are alternatives to regular plastic which can help relieve the environment. According to, there are 100% biodegradable dog bags that degrade at about the same rate as dog poop. These dog bags can be put into a compost bin and will decompose with the rest of your backyard compost. Microorganisms will eat away at both the bag and the waste. The website claims that other "100% biodegradable bags" can take over 100 years to decompose, which is still quicker than most plastic bags. Though these "BioBag Dog" bags may seem like the best solution, there are other things to consider when choosing an environmentally friendly dog bag, such as durability and cost. No one wants their dog bag to break mid-scoop, and no one wants to pay a high cost for poop bags. For instance, a 50 count roll of BioBag Dog bags costs over $20, whereas a 50 count roll of Muttropolis biodegradable poop bags costs $8. Look at the sites below for information on different brands of biodegradable dog bags and consider making a switch to biodegradable bags to better the environment:


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