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Global halal SME report and directory out in April

Posted by Flora Sawita

AN International Halal Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) report and directory will be published for the first time in April this year.

The report will offer both industry analysis and listing in a single package and will also include online and mobile platforms to maximise reach.

To be published by Malaysian Halal media company, H Media, the report will include five key halal industry segments including agriculture; manufacturing; tourism; services and finance.

"Our aim is to provide a definitive guide for businesses to navigate the lucrative yet highly complex global halal market," said Kamarul Aznam Kamaruzaman, managing editor of H Media.

The 200 plus page-book in full colour also has several key features such as over 30 choice reports documenting the industry's most significant developments throughout the year and featuring industrial and geographical sectorial reports across entire halal value chain.

There is also a comprehensive directory featuring over 2,000 premium halal certified companies from all over the world.

The book which is limited to only 10,000 copies can be obtained at Mihas the world's largest Halal-only trade show, or via Individual and corporate subscriptions and at Halal conferences, exhibitions, forums and related events.


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