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JOURNAL: Production of Soy Cheese for ISS and Planetary Outpost

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , , , , , ,

ABSTRACT: We have developed two methods of making spreadable, cheese-flavored products from soy protein that ISS crew members can eat with tortillas. In the dough method, soy protein (white flakes or soy protein isolate), oil, cheese culture (Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus), 1% liquid cheese whey, water and 1 ppm sodium nitrite are mixed and fermented.

After the minimum pH is reached, the pH is adjusted to 5.2 with sodium carbonate solution and the cheese is stored anaerobically at 7°C. In the wet method, soy milk (7% soluble solids) is prepared from white flakes, pasteurized, mixed with fat and homogenized. Next, whey, culture and sodium nitrite are added, and the mixture is fermented at 40°C. to pH 4.6. The curd is cut and cooked to 50°C, whey is removed, and the curd is pressed, adjusted to pH 5.2 with sodium carbonate and stored anaerobically at 7°C. The wet method product is a smooth paste. The dough method gave a dryer paste but much more granular texture. Products made with vegetable oils had a bland flavor with little typical soy protein flavor. Products made with milk fat had a pleasant dairylike flavor which could be reproduced in product made with vegetable oils by the addition of a mixture of lactones, ketones, and short-chain fatty acids typical of milk fat (1.32g/kg). The flavor was well developed after one month at 7°C and did not change noticeably with additional storage. The addition of casein amino acids to the products improved their cheeselike flavors. Resuppliables for a Mars mission would be sodium carbonate (3.5-4 g/kg product), sodium nitrite (1 mg/kg), dried whey (0.5 g/kg) (or the factor in whey necessary for the growth of Lactobacillus delbrueckii), and lactone-ketone-fatty acid flavor mix 1.3 g/kg and protein hydrolyzate 5-10 g/kg).

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