JOURNAL: Deoxynivalenol stability during wheat processing
Posted by Labels: Agribusiness, agro industries, CIS, Food Processing, food processing industries, Journal, journal of agricultureABSTRACT: Deoxynivalenol is a type B trichotechene, a large group containing more than 150 compounds with related chemical structure, synthesized by several Fusarium species. The cereals are the main affected commodities, deoxynivalenol being most prevalent in wheat and, also, in the products obtained by processing it. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the possibility of reducing the contamination level in wheat by milling and by backing at different temperature. The determinations were made using natural contaminated wheat, with 1.11 μg/g deoxynivalenol content, and enriched samples obtained by spiking at 1.0 μg/g level. The samples were sieved using 315 and 400 μm sieves.
In both cases we found a new distribution of the mycotoxin, meaning that deoxynivalenol content in the fraction remained on the 400 μm sieve is higher the one found in wheat, while in flour the content was with 29% lower for naturally contaminated samples and with 40% for spiked samples. The samples were baked at 190°C for 30 minutes, at 200°C for 30 minutes and at 230 for 20 minutes. The treatment at 190oC and 200oC temperature resulted in minor reduction of deoxynivalenol level, between 1.7 and 4.1%. The influence of baking at 230oC conducted at more relevant reducing of deoxynivalenol level 7.6 - 9.9%.
In both cases we found a new distribution of the mycotoxin, meaning that deoxynivalenol content in the fraction remained on the 400 μm sieve is higher the one found in wheat, while in flour the content was with 29% lower for naturally contaminated samples and with 40% for spiked samples. The samples were baked at 190°C for 30 minutes, at 200°C for 30 minutes and at 230 for 20 minutes. The treatment at 190oC and 200oC temperature resulted in minor reduction of deoxynivalenol level, between 1.7 and 4.1%. The influence of baking at 230oC conducted at more relevant reducing of deoxynivalenol level 7.6 - 9.9%.
Keywords: deoxynivalenol, mycotoxin reduction, wheat, deoxynivalenol stability
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