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Vietnam's Rice-Vegetable Agricultural Movement

Posted by Flora Sawita

Previously, in the south of Vietnam, many poor farmers in low-income. Tilled agricultural land is about 2,000 square meters per household farmers. With a land area only, do not hope they can live in prosperity. Besides farming, they also have to be factory workers, construction laborers, and others working in the informal sector to supplement family income.

However, the present condition of the majority of small farmers in Vietnam have been better. Their income more than doubled. This is because they switched from growing rice to the vegetables. Rather cultivation of this commodity does not lead to significant shocks in rice production in Vietnam. In fact, the vegetable planting area continued to soar in the last five years. This makes imported vegetables from China continues to decrease. When in 2005 the total area of vegetable acreage is smaller than the fruit, now the opposite.

By 2010, the area planted with vegetables Vietnam has surpassed the vast coffee plantation. Coffee is one of Vietnam's commodity exports. Development of vegetable commodities in Vietnam spread, ranging from the northern, central, to the south. Starting from the Red River Delta to the Mekong Delta. In the northwest region there are 62,000 hectares, in Hanoi, especially in the Red River Delta 113 000 hectares, the Central Coast-North (50,000 hectares), the Central Coast-South (28,000 acres), the Central Highlands (9,000 acres), Mekong River Delta (77,000 ha) , and in the southeast (56,000 hectares). Vegetables are developed diverse, ranging from tomatoes, cabbage, sweet corn, pumpkin, onion, until onion.

The Vietnamese government role in the development of vegetables in the country not too dominant. The Vietnamese government provides support only basic infrastructure, namely roads, bridges, water and electricity, besides giving the land tax exemption. The roads in the village dibeton. Irrigation become permanent and there is electricity everywhere. The roads to smooth production gardens so that the distribution of goods smoothly. The rest, which runs the market system. Market interest in supporting the development of vegetable crops is the positive impact of economic development in Vietnam. Vietnam now is one of the countries in Asia which are growing rapidly though not as quickly China.

Vietnam economic growth to attract investors. Vietnam is very strategic geographic location. In aviation traffic, Vietnam was in the middle of a strategic cross-continent flight path. Workers in Vietnam are also relatively cheap, even cheaper than China. In addition, the mechanism of investing is easy, simple licensing, and illegal fees minimal. It is attracting investors to invest. The Government and people of Vietnam are keen to move forward. Ethnic or religious tensions do not exist. All the thinking for the betterment of the people and country. The desire to progress also occurred in the agricultural sector. Vietnam is eager to be the world's largest rice exporter. They continue to spur increased production through increased productivity.

Increased production is also done in the cultivation of vegetables. Apparently, the cultivation of vegetables is a response to increasing farmers' income berlahan narrow. Various efforts to increase vegetable production conducted. It was among others through training or assistance to farmers for farmers interested in growing vegetables. Vegetable market that promised to make investors interested, and encourage farmers through its business activities. Syngenta, which manages the business of crop protection and seed producers, for example, be interested to go into vegetable farming.

The Vietnamese government focus to do three things. First is to make farmers continue to produce in the middle of the erratic climatic conditions. In Vietnam during off seasson, the air temperature is very high. Many vegetable crops to drought. The government teaches how to make adaptations in the midst of the hostile weather in order to keep producing vegetables with good quality Second, teach the cultivation of good management, among others, with the adoption of technology, support for irrigation, and seed. Third, strive for farmers to have access to the market. Producers closer to the market. The government has a relationship with a supermarket to discuss an acceptable product quality.

According to Bui Trong Thap, vegetable farmers, growing vegetables since he was six years ago in 2,000 square meters of land. The cost for the cultivation of tomatoes 10 dollars per 360 meters square. Every year USD 5000 earnings.


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