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Taiwan Health Department Raided Indomie

Posted by Flora Sawita

Officials in Taiwan Department of Health and Food sudden raid into some shops and confiscated Indonesian instant noodles production. They claim, made by Indofood instant noodle contains two ingredients that are not permitted for use in food and forbidden to trade.

As reported Blindie Lee, blogger Kompasiana, according to tests conducted by the Department of Health Taiwan, Indomie has 2 preservatives that do not qualify for the classification of imported goods, namely methyl hydroxy benzoate preservatives on oil and preservative benzoic acid in the marinade.
Head of administration of medicine, food Shu Fen Wang stated, hydroxy methyl benzoate is typically used for cosmetic ingredients. Taiwan itself prohibits use of this preservative in food. The benzoic acid used in food preservatives, but forbidden to be used in the instant noodle. This preservative if taken long will damage the performance of the liver, stomach ulcers, vomiting, metabolic acidosis, and poisoning.

In a videotape broadcast on the PTS (Public Television Service), it appears a number of officers to seal boxes and take Indomie instant noodles from store shelves. Consumers who could buy the instant noodles are also surprised that the raids carried out.
When contacted, the Indofood Consumer Product Brand (ICBP) as the producer of instant noodles will check the situation in the Taiwan-related raid. Indofood not sure noodle hit by raids are official products are exported to Taiwan because so far the company has met the applicable rules there.

This news are from Indonesian Oline Media :


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