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Indonesian University: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Launch 20 Farm Industry Product

Posted by Flora Sawita

Bogor Agricultural University (Institut Pertanian Bogor/IPB) one of most popular university in Indonesia launched and introduced 20 new types of agricultural commodities of superior on Sunday 03 Oct 2010. Product is the result of breeding researchers Agronomy Department and Horticulture Faculty of Agriculture, IPB and Fruit Study Center Tropical Research Institute and Community Service IPB.

The launching took place at the experimental Leuwikopo on Campus IPB Darmaga, Darmaga District, Bogor Regency. The event was simultaneously with Farmer Field Day, to commemorate the 47th anniversary of IPB. Attending the ceremony were Indonesian Minister of Agriculture Suswono.

IPB Rector Herry Suhardiyanto say, 20 new product quality superior that the hard work of researchers to significantly IPB positive contribution to the nation, especially the world agriculture in Indonesia. He hoped the farm superior products that can increase agricultural productivity Indonesia.

"The issue of global food crisis and other problems related to agriculture now a major challenge for us to continue to do in IPB, in an effort to make a positive contribution to the nation. Another challenge, how to increase yields of agricultural products nationally, "said Herry.

The 20 new types of agricultural products that include 2 types of rice, 2 types potatoes, 5 types of melons, 5 types of papaya, pineapple 1 species, 1 species banana, 1 type of avocado, and 3 types of chili. A total of 10 types of removable to the public, the rest is in the process of licensing its release in the Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture.

Suswono Indonesia Agriculture Minister stated, superior food products needed to meet food sufficiency and compete with imported products. "There is a new kind of tropical fruit results IPB researcher breeding we hope to increase welfare farmers in Indonesia.


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