Indonesian Minister of Agriculture: FAO will Facilitate Research on Genetically Modified Food
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"In the future, genetic engineering will be one alternative. However, we currently still used as the study included the impact on human health, "he said. Efforts made by FAO was taken because the whole world is facing the threat of climate change that declining global food production.
In a meeting in Korea was known that the member states reported a decline in food production. not food production "Including non-rice production. Therefore, Suswono words, all the possibilities to adapt to the changing seasons will be reviewed. Even so associated with genetic engineering efforts, it will be decided not in use.
According to the Minister of Agriculture, still takes time and also to wait for the results of studies by FAO. "There should also be seen that the actual soybean imports were already using genetic engineering. But turn to cotton which are not consumed, developed with genetic engineering a lot of protest. "
Currently, in Indonesia also already exist Bio-safety Committee that will conduct comprehensive research on food products to the public. Chairman of the Association of Seed Indonesia, Elda D. A., recently to assess the readiness of the various elements required prior to the development of transgenic seeds in Indonesia.
Readiness, such as in the field of set of legal, human resources, science and technology, as well as the socialisation to the public. "To achieve such readiness, it takes more than 3 years before finally really transgenic seeds is done here."
However, said Elda, her assertiveness required the government to declare the readiness of Indonesia in his acceptance of genetic engineering technology as it provides guidance to other seed producers to produce transgenic seed. "The most important is the existence of regulations that support the development of transgenic seeds meant that," he said.
Sengon transgenic Meanwhile, limited test facilities Biotechnology Research Center Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) has produced a crop sengon, the world's first transgenic.
"Insertion of genes have been doing xyloglucanase carried into the plant sengon," said Enny Sudarmonowati LIPI biotechnology researcher. Enny Sudarmonowati. Sengon transgenic plants containing genes contain genes xyloglu xyloglu canase le BiH proven grow faster and contain cellulose higher than in control plants in a limited test facilities that could potentially grow faster when moved from the Fut to the field. From the results of research on wood sengon know that the economic value that is used for house building poles, container boards, furniture, fence, until the pulp and paper.
On the other hand also has the advantage of a strong root so well planted on the edge of the area affected by erosion and easy one government policy (Sengonisasi) around the basin (watershed). Enny added with the insertion of the gene sengon plants are also more easily hydrolyzed and generate the higher ethanol.
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