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Indonesia Must Develop Non-Rice National Food

Posted by Flora Sawita

Dependence of Indonesian rice consumption can be suppressed if the diversification of food operations. Diversification bring benefits if the government can encourage the birth of a variety of innovative products made from local raw processed food that can be acceptable to the market.
Professor of Economics and Institute of Agriculture Bogor Agricultural Industry Endang Gumbira Sa'id disclose matters relating to the Indonesian higher dependency on rice as a carbohydrate source says this will seriously impact on the fulfillment of the national food in the future.
According Gumbira, for processed food products acceptable to the market, there must be innovation that produces a variety of processed food products so that it was universally accepted, has a specific, practical, interesting views, and tempting to eat. "In order for sustainable diversification could be beneficial from the aspect of the business because the industry should be involved as for driving," he said.
Gumibra states, Indonesia's contribution to gross domestic product innovation is very low, only 5.6 percent. There are many commodities that have not produced added value of the processing chain. Export and trade of agricultural products is still dominated by commodities, not processed products. Conversion commodity conversion into refined products in Indonesia has not been above 24 percent, so the value added generated is low. Compare with Thailand which reached 60 percent, 86 percent of the U.S., and China is over 50 percent.
In developed countries, which sucked in agribusiness and agro-industry is an industry. Innovation will continue to run if the industry continues to perform as for driving and creating a market. Turkey able to develop its worldwide snacks Turkish deli. This original SME products, and given innovation by adding sweeteners, jelly, almond, or honey so that the known world. In Australia there is nougat, peanut products mixed with sesame and sugar. Indonesia can indeed develop it.
This is for example by optimizing the utilization of local food sources, such as cassava, peanuts, sweet potatoes, sago, sorghum, and local food products, like chocolate. However, it is still done on a small scale. Markets also have not worked well. The Center for Food Safety Agency Consumption and Food Security Ministry of Agriculture Mulyono Machmur say, look in the mirror of the success of wheat as a substitute made of rice, no food industry involvement in its development. Once the wheat-based food processing industries in, various processed food product innovations are created, including instant noodle.
This occurs because the industry is able to process wheat into flour, which could then be used as base material a variety of processed foods. The pattern of practical packaging, easy to serve, and the price is cheap because it is made in large-scale success encourages increased consumption of wheat-based food.
According to the Secretary General of the Association of Indonesian Peasant Harmony Rachmat Pambudy, for farmers, food problem is not merely production, but farmers' access to food through increased revenue. "The most important thing is how to increase farmers' income because it determines access to food," said Rachmat.
According Gumirba, actually there are two patterns of diversification. First, by diversifying crops or commodities. The goal, to get the sales value of commodities higher. It could also increase the added value of commodities traded. Thus, revenue will increase and encourage food consumption patterns change.
Second, to diversify consumption, including calls on people to eat food made from non rice local raw. Previously, the IPB has launched a superior product innovation in the field of food. The product was applied to the production itself and in cooperation with business partners.


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