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The global potential of biofuels

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , ,

Global biofuel and agriculture leaders met on Wednesday, December 16, at COP15 in Copenhagen to discuss how biofuels can be deployed sustainably, achieve rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, reduce fossil fuel use, and spur development.

Growth Energy Co-Chair General Wesley Clark delivered the keynote speech at the Danish Climate Consortium side-event titled “The Global Potential of Biofuels.” The event also featured a panel discussion with Novozymes CEO Steen Riisgaard and other global biofuels leaders.
“Biofuels are essential to limit CO2 emissions in the transport sector. They can readily be implemented into current infrastructure and can deliver up to 90% CO2 reductions compared to gasoline. The world cannot afford to overlook this potential,” said Steen Riisgaard.

Participants in the panel included:

- Jeff Broin, CEO, Poet, United States
- Milkyas Debebe, Managing Director, Gaia Association, Ethiopia
- Niels Henriksen, CEO, Inbicon, Denmark
- Marcos Jank, President and CEO, UNICA, Brazil
- Jian Li, Director, China National Cereal, Oil & Foodstuff Corporation (COFCO), China
- Don McCabe, International Federation of Agricultural Producers, France
- Luciano Pizzatto, Federal Deputy, Brazilian Parliament, Brazil
- Steen Riisgaard, President and CEO, Novozymes, Denmark

Watch NovozymesTV to learn more about COP15 and the global potential of biofuel.


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