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Gaplek, Intermediate Product from Cassava

Posted by Flora Sawita

Many cereals and tubers grow in Indonesia. Production of cereals, mainly rice as main food and tubers are high. Similarly, with increasing population, demand for cereals and root crops as an energy source continues to increase. Plants with high carbohydrate content such as cereals and tubers are generally resistant to high temperatures. Cereals and tubers are often served in the form of fresh, boiled or steam, it depends on the taste.

Business diversification is very important food in an attempt to overcome the problem of dependence on one staple food only. For example, by cultivating cereals and root crops into various forms of prevention which have a distinctive flavor and durable stored. Processed form in the form of flour, cassava, tapai, chips and others. This is consistent with the government program, especially in addressing the needs of food, especially non-rice. Manioc or cassava is one of the food sources of carbohydrates (energy source).

Cassava Composition (per 100 grams of material)                      
146.00 cal
62.50 grams
40.00 mg
34.00 grams
33.00 mg
Vitamin C
30.00 mg
1.20 grams
0.70 mg
0.30 grams
Vitamin B1
0.06 mg
Edible Weight
75.00 grams

Fresh cassava in the state did not last long. For marketing that takes a long time, cassava must be processed first into another form that is more durable, such as cassava, tapioca (cassava flour), tapai, peuyeum, cassava chips and others. Be capable of manufacture is a simple process, including: washing, stripping, and drying.

How to Make
The only one materials that you need is fresh cassava. Tools that you need is buckets, gunny sack, knife, and mat. The steps are below
1) Separate from cassava stalks, peel and rinse;
2) Cut the cassava 3-5 cm;
3) Dry cassava that have been clean in the sun for 1 ~ 2 days. After that, cover with clean mats for 1 day. It is expected that the toxin of fungus can reduce;
4) Drying longer to dry, after dry-called cassava, and enter into in sacks;
5) Store in a dry place, not in a damp or humid.

How to Use
Cassava can be cooked (steamed) with red and sugar/sweetener and eat with grated coconut. Gaplek can also be a intermediate product before produce the end product. The end product that can make from gaplek is bioethanol, cassava flour, food that based cassava flour, liquid sugar, etc.

1) The terms of good cassava are as follows:
a. Can be formed logs or parts of the longitudinal (± 3 cm), flour, or pellets (length (± 2 cm and a diameter of max. 1 cm);
b. In the dry state, are white, not moldy, and no skin left;
2) The packaging must use a burlap sack of good, clean and strong seams.


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