Fireworks as a Political Device
Posted byFireworks are such an amazing spectacle that they can make us act in any number of strange ways. We may drink too much, eat too much BBQ, hide under our picnic blanket in terror, or simply burn our hand while setting one on fire. But what about fireworks and crowds? Fireworks can be frightening or inspire awe in a group. This seems like a natural combination for political propaganda. Kim Jong Eun was praised by his father for his use of fireworks in a political display in Korea ( But fireworks are not only used in that country as a political device. Think of the American celebration of the 4th of July. The bright lights and festivities surrounding this spectacle, bring many people together to fortify their patriotism and bond with their fellow countrymen. Fireworks represent the battle explosions during America’s fight for independence but today, the spectacle inspires more excitement and pride than fear.
Fireworks are a bold statement and powerful explosions are definitely an attraction when looking for a way to demonstrate the power of a particular body of government. Fireworks are also an expensive display, demonstrating financial security. Smaller fireworks are available to people to set off in their neighborhoods or backyards and allow for a personalized expression of the same show on a smaller scale. Our desire as people to make loud noises and watch colorful displays is easily manipulated into a unifying experience. This point is further emphasized by the fact that the military is one of the larger consumers of fireworks.
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