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Ways to Prevent Water Pollution

Posted by Flora Sawita

Water is a valuable resource that is depended upon by every living creature on earth that is often overlooked and taken for granted. Water covers more than 70% of the earth’s surface, though only 1% is usable for consumption. Ocean, lake and river water also need our immediate attention as all sources of water are becoming more and more polluted due to overuse, litter, and population increases.
The largest cause of water pollution is human activity. Gallons and gallons of water are used everyday for industrial and domestic means. This water comes from rivers, lakes and groundwater sources. After this water is used, it is eventually deposited right back into these original sources. Water pollution is an effect of this cycle, as well as sewage and industrial waste.
There are ways that each and every person can get involved in the prevention of water pollution. You can contribute to water conservation by turning off the tap when you are brushing your teeth, or other times you mindlessly let the water run. Using natural fertilizers and pesticides can greatly reduce the amount of toxic runoff to our rivers. Environmentally friendly household items and cleaners are available that reduce the amount of harmful chemicals that return to our water sources. Oils, paints, and other toxic products should be disposed of properly and never poured down the drain or sink.
The government must also take responsibility as well in seeing to it that appropriate sewage treatment plants are constructed, as well as making sure that industrial and nuclear plants are utilizing the proper waste storage systems. You can make a difference by writing to your local congressmen in hopes of raising awareness of this important issue.
Blog by: Brandy Unrein


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