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Planters want Tuns to help fight their cause

Posted by Flora Sawita

Oil palm planters want the government to appoint Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik as special envoys of the industry to help counter unfounded allegations against the commodity.

Earlier this week, planters from Malaysia and Indonesia, the world's top two palm oil producers, formed a coalition to deal with intensifying opposition.

Fierce rivalry from competing vegetable oils grown in Europe and North America has seen some underhanded tactics being adopted by developed nations to curb the growth of the palm oil trade. Well-funded activist groups like Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and Rainforest Action Network from Europe and North America and their affiliates in Malaysia and Indonesia blame the planters for destroying forests and decimating the orang utan population.

"Dr M and Keng Yaik are both sharp and articulate. They can outsmart, outdebate and outtalk all these NGOs who are spreading lies about oil palm planting," said Incorporated Society of Planters chairman Daud Amatzin, who is also the executive director of Felda Plantations Sdn Bhd.

Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister for 22 years until 2003. Dr Lim was Primary Industries Minister from 1986 to 2004. Subsequently he headed the Energy, Water and Communications Ministry from 2004 to 2008.

Although both Dr Mahathir and Dr Lim have long retired from government service, they continue to participate actively in public lectures and gatherings.


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