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Consequences of Soil Erosion and how harmful it is??

Posted by Flora Sawita

Soil erosion has been occurred since the first planet was created and the main reason of this issue is the heavy agriculture production which was abused to our soil. As we all know that agriculture is almost number one source of our survival not only human but almost all living things. In fact, soil erosion may cause many disasters that put us under danger consequences. According to Columbia Electronic encyclopedia mentioned that erosion due to its harmful such as filling reservoirs and navigable waterways, impair wild life habitats and increasing flooding and water treatment costs, will consider as one of the greatest pollutants in this world. This issue not only occurred in our community but worldwide which make us rethink of what we are doing to our planet? We as a community has the responsibility to prevent this major issue that affecting our environment in which we live.


"Erosion." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition (2009): 1. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 16 April 2010.


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