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Areca palm tree care,fertilizer,watering,soil requirements

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels:

The Areca Palm ( Dypsis lutescens, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens), known also as Yellow Butterfly Palm or Golden Cane Palm is one of the most attractive plants in the planet. It is local to the island of Madagascar and very common in subtropical and humid areas around the world.

It is a shrub like plant with slight, yellowish green feather fronds that fan out from some brawny green trunks.

The elegant tree is fitting for decorate home, office, patios, pool, hotels and restaurant. The shrub is often used for screens and hedges. It is one of the most popular indoor plant. The tropical and alien looking tree will give a lush and tropical feel to any decor.

The Areca palm Perhaps one of the most popular indoor office plants to date due to its stylish and classy leaves and beautiful exterior. The Areca Palm is a very tolerant and resourceful office plant that copes well in indoor climates. mainly good at remove wetness from the air and changeable humidity levels the Areca Palm is an excellent all rounder and is frequently found in planted office displays.

Light : Areca palm is a indoor plant it requires shady lights indirect lights direct sunlight may burn the leaves of a plant it is advisable if you put the plant in the garden best space is under the tree you can grow this plant or choose a place where bright or shady light in the whole day.

Soil : Areca Palm can be planted in a normal potting mix with a little loutish smooth extra to get better drainage. They should be plant in a large container. Areca Palms do not mind being root bound and can be left in the same container for several years.

Fertilizer : Plants should get a fertilization regime of 3.5 lb nitrogen per 1,000 ft2 a month from a 3-1- 2 ratio fertilizer. A level teaspoon of Osmocote 19-6-12 fertilizer (about 5 g) applied to a 6 inch pot every 3 months, or 200 ppm nitrogen from a 9-3-6 fertilizer applied weekly will supply the required fertilizer. Arecas respond equally well to liquid or slow release fertilizers when nitrogen levels are equivalent. Arecas need supplemental micronutrients to prevent chlorosis. Incorporating micronutrients (1.5 lb Micromax/yd3) to the soil is preferable to foliar sprays which can cause phytotoxicity. Phosphorus should be supplied only from fertilizers such as the 19-6-12 or 9-3-6 mentioned earlier.

Good quality Areca palms contain 1.5-2.5% dry weight of nitrogen, 0.1-0.3% phosphorus, 0.7-2.0% potassium, 1.0-1.5% calcium, 0.3-0.6% magnesium, 10-60 parts per million (ppm) copper, 50-300 ppm manganese and iron and 25-200 ppm zinc. Plants are tolerant of both atmospheric fluoride (F) and F in the medium if pH is maintained above 6.0. Tissue F levels of 16 ppm were found in leaves with no necrosis, while leaves with necrosis had only 21 ppm. Areca palms appear to be more tolerant to ethylene than most foliage plants.

Humidity : Areca Palms need higher than normal humidity. Plants should be misted daily to help increase the humidity around the plant.

Watering : Areca Palms need heavy watering. Though the plant grow slowly, it does give off huge volume of wetness to the air as it attempt to produce the high humidity environment it so loves and requires.

Allow the soil to dry to a depth of 1 inch, and then water thoroughly. Do not let the plant stand in water as this will guide to root rot.

Characteristics : Arecas do not age well. When new they have an upright appearance, but with time the new fronds become heavy and bent, and the plant spreads out. The foliage becomes spotted and the tips of the fronds turn brown.

If the soil dries out completely, the plant wilts dramatically. When watered it will stand back up, but several of the fronds will then turn yellow.

Check regularly for spider mite, especially where there is heat and air circulation.

This plant requires a lot of attention to keep looking nice.

Pruning : Remove whole fronds as they yellow. Arecas are sensitive to salts and minerals in their water and show a spotting like freckles on their foliage. When damage on the fronds becomes predominant, cut these fronds off as well.

From our experience it is normal for palms to have brown tips on their leaves, similar to how our hair gets dry at the ends. These can be trimmed off.


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