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Dinosaurs Extinct! What’s next? Bluefin Tuna!

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , , , ,

by L Fashing

Should Bluefin Tuna become extinct from over eating, over fishing and over paying?

It shouldn’t have too.

In the past several weeks this blog has been providing knowledgeable informatoin about the current issues of Bluefin Tuna’s possible extinction. Scientists and researchers have been warning us about the “overuse” of Bluefin Tuna for several years and it is time to stop, listen and make our voices heard –prevent Bluefin Tuna from becoming “extinct”.

You can choose alternatives to Bluefin Tuna therefore by reducing demand - will reduce the need. Sushi chefs, celebrities, sport fisher people are using their voices to express their concern of putting Bluefin Tuna into “extinction”.

You! Yes, you. You “can” make a difference. Start today. Tell someone you know. Ask for an alternative choice.

2 Great Tools --

iPhone app to get Seafood Watch Recommendations. Go to:

“Thank you” or “Become Aware” of environmentally responsible seafood cards to give to a restaurant.


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