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About Bluefin Tuna

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: ,

by L Fashing

For several years, the Bluefin Tuna has been regarded as the supreme choice for Sushi because of its low calorie, high protein fish rich in heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. Japan and United States are the largest consumers of Bluefin Tuna consuming about 65% of the world’s tuna.

Since Bluefin Tuna has increased in popularity it recently was reported that a Bluefin Tuna sold for over $100,000 dollars. The average price for one Bluefin Tuna is usually $2,000 to $20,000. With prices like these there are many fishing companies that are overfishing the oceans and putting Bluefin Tuna at risk of extinction.

Despite requests to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) they have not taken aggressive action to lower the limits or to put bans on Bluefin Tuna. The ICCAT does have maximum limits on Bluefin Tuna; however, it has been reported that fishermen catch more than double that limit. One report I read from Charles Clover, Environment Editor on November 8, 2007 stated the legal quota was 29,500 tons and 56,000 tons was caught.

One way “you” can make a difference is to choose other fish alternatives instead of Bluefin Tuna go to for a printable “Sustainable Seafood Pocket Guide”. The guide will give you a list of “Best Choices” “Good Alternatives” and which fish should be “Avoided”.

Also, read this article “Sushi to die for” at and find out about world-renowned chefs and Hollywood celebrities in an intercontinental food fight over the fate of one of the world's great predators, the Bluefin Tuna.
YOU can make a difference!


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