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What female candidate is heavily invested in the OIL Industry?

Posted by Flora Sawita

As if we didn't know, I am sure.What female candidate is heavily invested in the OIL Industry?
Nobody is in as heavy as Bush an Cheney.What female candidate is heavily invested in the OIL Industry?
Don't tell me that Laura Bush is going to bleach her hair and run for President or maybe it's Dick Cheney's wife. But Bush and Cheney don't have anything invested in oil, do they? So you're saying that it's alright for Bush to invest in oil and not Hillary. That's sort of a double standard. I thought Americans could invest in anything they wished.
Would you care to cite how Hillary is invested in the OIL industry as you say?
What Muslim candidate is heavily invest in the take over of the free world by Islam.

Obama Big ears bin laden that's who.

I will give the low down about Obama and you may not like it but if you follow the links to the articles and read it all you will not like or trust Obama.

He is the biggest liar on the campaign trail.

1.. He used an innocent man in Iowa to get free new and his PR people lied to keep the spin going. This man is a Armenian Physicist here doing some work with some of the most important programs for Universities and the Government. And he was helping a friend in Cincinnati Ohio out with his novelty card business when Obama used him read the links.

2. He is not a Christian as you will not find one Muslim saying a word about his so called conversation from Islam. You can convert to Islam but not away as it is called a fatwa or to us a death sentence. No one word about this.

3. He stated he would invade Pakistan who is an alley on terrorism and barely holding on with eh Islamic extremist there. Which was done by Obama to destabilize this country that has a nuke and I will add the only Muslim country that does. Why would he do this even Hillary knows this is very bad.

4. He last week said he would never use the Nuke which was a signal that if he wins that they the Islamic terrorist who wishes us all to be dead can do it and he will not act. Id this what you want for a president? No look at what Turkey did to Christians and they will end all of the things you love on the left as we are all infidels to them and the left here is satin itself.鈥?/a>
Oh my god, I didn't know that Condoleeza Rice was running...


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