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Move to develop 4,000 women entrepreneurs by 2012

Posted by Flora Sawita

THE government aims to develop 4,000 women entrepreneurs by 2012, said Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir.
He said SME Corp Malaysia Bhd has set up a special unit to monitor, coordinate and formulate programmes for women entrepreneurs through collaborations with various ministries, agencies and business associations.
"In order for women entrepreneurs to compete globally, Matrade through Women Exporters Development Programme has introduced export assistance programmes, designed for women owned businesses that are new to or have limited experience in exporting.
"These programmes will definitely help SMEs develop the necessary skills and knowledge to penetrate and further expand their export markets," he said.
WENA's president, Raja Azam Baezah Raja Mokhtar, said a common problem for women Bumiputera entrepreneurs is the lack of branding for their products.
"Many also don't have much capital to bring their business to the higher playing level," she said of WENA, a six-year old non-profit organisation with 200 people as members.
WENA conducts regular meetings with members and guides them on how they should market their products or get the right grants.
"We can point them in the right direction on what and where to go next,"she said. - BT


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