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Does anyone think the oil industry should be owned by the government?

Posted by Flora Sawita

The oil industry has gotten out of control. They are simply fleecing us at this point. Oil is a natural resource. The government should either absorb the oil industry or regulate the price of oil.

Or seriously invest in real alternatives like nuclear power or zero point.Does anyone think the oil industry should be owned by the government?
Good lord, NO. The politicians are already so tied up with the oil industry that would be adding fuel to the fire. The government should go into competition with the oil companies and really promote nuclear energy, solar energy, alternative fuel sources of all kinds. Stop giving tax breaks to the oil companies and give 'em to the alternates. Then we could all pay $60.00 a gallon for gasoline -- because the car companies are wedded to the oil companies.Does anyone think the oil industry should be owned by the government?
The main reason governments take control of oil industries is to have control over what to do with the revenues. So there is some debate on whether to tax private firms higher to make up for the government allowing them to operate instead of being nationalized.

As for investing in Nuclear and zero-point. You've been watching too much sci-fi if you think there's any cost viable methods of producing zero point energy anytime soon. That'd be a break through more advanced than cold fusion. CERN messes around with some of that stuff, but just observationally, like how madam curie observed radiation a hundred years ago. Nuclear frightens people and nobody wants it in their backyard.
90% of the world's oil reserves are controlled by governments, thats a big part of the problem, no free market, if we decrease demand, they just decrease supply. The US government taking over oil companies would do nothing to lower oil costs. The US is a consumer of oil, not a supplier therefore its has no control over price, if there was anything the government could do to lower oil prices they would probably have already done it (another war perhaps?) sad fact is we are powerless to do anything about the cost of crude, we just have to take our beating, or invent some magical way of becoming energy independent.
governments are supposed to work for the country's benefit and used the resources in order to make life easier for its people ( for oil , they should sell it cheaper to its own people , export oil and get the economy rich etc )

private businesses will just use the oil company to benefit themselves , ( just get as much profit as possible )

unfortunately , government might not be good enough for its people and that's when the problems occur

Why not?

When it's god's natural assets?

For public utilities.

Not for the men who would be king in doing things at own whims and fancy.

The gifts of life vital for the survival and advancement of living human kind in time.

With ethe creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.

Look in the real world.

How the men who would be king messing up God's natural assets with ';Charge of the light calvary'; even in self destruction of living human kind with the loss of peace on earth goodwill to men.

With everyone living in misery with the rising cost in short-changing the publics.

Luke 9.25,55-56,60

What do you think?
Totally agree!


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