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I remember

Posted by Flora Sawita

As this class got started, I had many significant thoughts on ecological intelligence and how it has affected me; by growing up with an ecologically minded family. I have become more self aware of how my life has been built around this concept.

I was born and raised on a farm in Eastern Idaho; to parents and grandparents that had taken care of and homesteaded on that piece of land for more than 70 years, starting in 1920’s and sold in 1996; this farm became a large part of my life. I had the opportunity to feed cattle, raise horses and make our own food as well as selling to other food industries.

As the family farm was sold, we moved to Oregon where I have resided since then. While going to school, the majority of the time in the city, many of my classmates and teachers did not have the opportunity to be raised the way I was. Because of this not many people knew where the food they ate came from. Some thought it came all ready processed and had no significant impact on their diets; it was at this point that I just shook my head and tried telling them that is not the case that some person or farm made this food.

Having the opportunity of growing up on a farm has made me feel more appreciative of the food that I have to buy. Knowing that some person has made this food from hand has made me become more ecologically aware of my surroundings. As the world changes around us and becoming more urban, I fear that the knowledge that is perceived to be truth will be disseminated to the whole entire world.

I strive each and everyday to educate those that I come in contact with about the facts of ecological intelligence and their impact on the environment.


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