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Posted by Flora Sawita

Children and Families on Environmental Intelligence

Children and Families on Environmental Intelligence was the title of a survey I created which was then used by a few others to collect data. Some of us had children fill them out while others used more of an interview process in order to gather the information, this works better for younger children especially. This survey gave us a brief yet very important look into what children may know, be interested in, and how they come to find out this information. The questions were based on Environmental Intelligence and it asked things such as “Do you know what sustainability means” or “Do you make choices that promote sustainability?” This is only a sample of what was asked, there were ten questions total and they were all multiple choice with the exception of one question which asked for their own response “If you could be involved in helping the environment what would you most likely want to be doing? Any Ideas you have are great!”
This survey had a great response not only by the children who supplied the much needed info but also by our class itself. Many of you asked about and were interested in how we could go about involving children as a focus on our site. I was excited to create this and to read all the answers especially the ones where children answered in their own words.
After reading over the survey responses it seems obvious that children do not know as much as we might think or even hope but it doesn’t stop there. Children do want to learn about the environment and if provided with things such as magazines, websites, interactive games such as on-line, T.V. shows, and family games they would be interested in learning from them. Websites topped out as the most interesting to the 67 children within this survey (55.4%, 36 responses), they were asked to check all that apply. This is good news to us and I feel if we put our minds and abilities together we can create a very fun and educational site that children as well as adults would find valuable in their lives. I found this survey to be valuable in creating a site based on Environmental Intelligence, after all children are the future people of this world and what they know now will affect what they do in the future. Children thrive on learning and they too have ideas, we can not only try and interest them in learning about the environment but we can also include them. They want to learn, they want to be involved so why not combine the two and give them all the information we can alongside an area where they can be involved such as a children’s blog. We could also add a page with links to other sites, programs, games, etc. but most of all maybe add links to community programs that welcome children as volunteers. The more children are shown that they too can make a difference the better off our world will be. Our focus is on Environmental Intelligence and with children as a focus we too can make a difference.
I thought we all could benefit from the results of this survey but most of all I would like to show you the answers as stated directly from the children, it is heartwarming!

“If you could be involved in helping the environment what would you most likely want to be doing? Any Ideas you have are great!”

Buying local as much as possible (specifically local food)
Trying to eliminate use of plastic and styrofoam.
Volunteer with a group that works outside planting trees, rain gardens, etc.
I need to drive less, but this is a difficult choice right now. I'd love to help with community based projects if they were organized during the summer (ie community gardens, mini power stations).
help reduce waste of school materials
composting, energy effecient lights
recycling at home - already do that very well
green washing
help to plant things
clean up around the neighborhood
picking up garbage
I would like to help clean up the block
picking up trash
clean up garbage
picking up my recyclables
I would want to make a garden
clean peoples backyards
I'm not sure
cleaning up the area
put signs that say "no littering"
help people not to waste paper
enjoying it
Designing wind and solar powered home heating on an individual home by home basis
Helping with community gardens
eating pie
Well, I already am on PCC Sylvania's habitat team restoring the park right next to it. Plus I avoid using a car. They are evil. I suggest alot of people who don't need them should use alternate transportation as well.
attempting to teach all people that sustainability can be done at all levels of income and could even possibly save money. These things can be done, people just need to be shown how.
service projects
Plant trees and save electrisity
saving energy
Cleaning up trash in the park
To have all cars run on cooking oil!
get those twirly light bulbs
recyle cans of pop
finding new ways to drive without hurting the environment
turn off lish when not using
turning off lights
Plant trees and save electricity
no idea
saving electricity
ditch the car and take a bike
reduce waste, reuse and recycle
Personal changes


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