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Red palm oil for healthy hair

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , ,

Forget hair revitalising shampoos. Proper nutrition is the most effective way to grow a headful of lustrous hair!

Your hair receives nutrition from the bloodstream through the papilla. If you fast unnecessarily or go on a crash diet without the doctor's supervision, you might end up losing your crown of glory instead.

Water: Water makes up 25% of the weight of a strand of hair. So drink up!! Water hydrates your body and helps keep your hair silky and shiny. Ideally, you should drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Protein: Protein is the building block of hair. A protein rich diet reduces the likelihood of hair splits. Eat moderate amount of fish, meat, milk, cheese and cereals.

Minerals: Iron helps to carry oxygen to the hair. If there is too little iron in your blood, oxygen-starved hair follicles will just fall off. So, don't skim on red meat and dark green vegetables. Zinc, found abundantly in seafoods, builds hair protein and helps prevent hair loss. Copper colours our hair naturally, so, help youself to a generous serving of shellfish, liver, fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds and meat.

Vitamins: Fat soluble vitamins A & E are essential to nourishing the hair roots and a healthy scalp! Red palm oil, packed with anti-oxidants, is the richest food source of carotenes and tocotrienols.


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