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Energy, biotechnology and Agribusiness SG Veterans Form Biofuels Development Jatropha as a low cost, Oil Development

Posted by Flora Sawita

Energy, biotechnology and Agribusiness SG Veterans Form Biofuels Development Jatropha as a low cost, Oil Development

SG Biofuels library assembles the genetic material of Jatropha

SAN DIEGO, Feb. 2 / PRNewswire / - After three years of research, a team of energy, biotechnology and agribusiness veterans today announced the formation of SG Biofuels, a San Diego, CA-based plant oil companies that specialize in the development of Jatropha as a low cost, which produced sustainable source of oil.

Kirk Haney, President and Chief Executive Officer, the company introduced at the 2009 National Biodiesel Conference and Expo in San Francisco, CA, where he was a feature speaker on Jatropha.

"We switch from Jatropha opportunities become a reality with a world-class team of scientists and geneticists, depth of resources and expertise in Latin America and agribusiness committed to sustainable production," said Haney.

SG Biofuels' scientific team, led by Dr. Robert Schmidt, PhD., Combining more than 100 years of experience in plant molecular genetics and biotechnology, and includes three members of the National Academy of Sciences. The Company has assembled the largest and most diverse library of Jatropha genetic material in the world, providing the opportunity to develop the most productive type of Jatropha.

Jatropha curcas is a non-edible shrub is native to Central America. High number of seeds which contain oil that can be used for a variety of bio-based feedstock materials, including biodiesel and Petrochemical substitutes for fuel and aviation industry. Can be developed effectively left on the ground that are not suitable for other crops.

Jatropha oil produced by SG Biofuels have been independently evaluated for the quality of biodiesel and verified to be clean, stable source for biodiesel fuel that meets or exceeds strict European specification. Latin American companies Jatropha done recently out palm, soya and Jatropha from India in differentiating the two criteria: low-temperature performance and long-term storage stability.

Biofuels SG team that includes veteran Georges Daou business as Chairman and Chief Business Development Officer. Daou founded Daou Systems, Inc., and for 10 years and has led some to invest in start-up and the capital invested in business enterprises. Its advisory council includes Edgar Masri, former CEO of 3COM Corporation, swamp George, a former general manager for Kellogg Brown & Root in Saudi Arabia, and Herb Sostek, former President and CEO of Gibbs Oil Company.


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