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How green is your computer

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , ,

Apple has recently launched a marketing campaign for its newest laptop: The “Green” MacBook. (Please view this commercial from Apple -

Apple’s website touts it environmental responsibility on it’s website, stating: “Apple recognizes its responsibility as a global citizen and is continually striving to reduce the environmental impact of the work we do and the products we create,” ( Despite their claims, Apple has been under the scrutiny of the Center for Environmental Health for having hazardous materials in their iPhone. One such material, phthalates, is toxin that has been shown to damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive systems in animal studies, and can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled.

According to, Apple does only what is legally required but does not go above and beyond like they claim to. “In December of 2006, Greenpeace released a report ranking the overall environmental policy of major technology companies. Dell was at the top but Apple found itself at the bottom. While top companies like Dell and Nokia have made great strides to eliminate the most toxic chemicals from their products and offer strong recycling programs, Apple has not,”

Not all hope is lost; apparently Steve Jobs has been paying attention to the critique. Apple has recently announced it will eliminate Arsenic from its displays by the end of 2008 as well as stop using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and brominated flame retardants (BFRs). Additionally, Apple plans to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of mercury by transitioning to LED backlighting for all displays.

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