Trader's Comment: Financial turmoil continue to influence and pressure most of the commodities prices to tumble further
Posted by Labels: Trader's highlightFinancial turmoil continue to influence and pressure most of the commodities prices to tumble further. NYMEX crude oil prices(spot month) was traded as low as USD 81.80(lowest since Dec'2007) a barrel during Asian time zone. Soyoil in e-CBOT was down by 200 points. For palm oil, it just follow suit. Benchmark Dec08 price was slammed down to 1725 in the afternoon session before some pre-weekend short-covering activities emerge and rebounding to settle RM117 lower at 1773, total loss of RM223 compared to last Friday's settlement. Market sentiment remains bearish as 1-10 Oct export data reeased by both cargo surveyors ITS and SGS were down by 15.7% and 11.7% respectively. Official Sept08 supply and demand data released by MPOB during the lunch break shows mildly bearish which shows Sept production down marginal while end-month stocks rose 5.5.
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