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Green Vouchers for Schools-Australia

Posted by Flora Sawita

The National Solar Schools Program is on the way
The Australian Government is committed to helping our schools take practical action to tackle climate change and conserve our precious water supplies. In keeping with this commitment, the Government is intoducing a new more flexible initiative that will replace the current Green Vouchers for Schools Program.

Under the new National Solar Schools Program, every school in Australia is eligible to apply for grants of up to $50,000 to install 2 kilowatt solar panels and a range of energy and water efficiency measures, such as:

lighting upgrades
sky lights
shade awnings
solar hot water systems, and
rainwater tanks
This new program allows schools to choose the most effective way to meet their energy and water efficiency goals.

The new National Solar Schools Program will be in place from 1 July 2008.

The National Solar Schools Program will help Australian schools take practical action over the next
eight years to tackle climate change as part of the government’s Solar Schools – Solar Homes
Plan. The program is expected to be launched in July 2008.
The National Solar Schools Program will offer grants of up to
• $20,000 for solar technology and to support the installation of 2kW solar panels; and
• $30,000 to invest in any combination of solar hot water systems, rainwater tanks, and
passive solar innovations such as sky lights, shade awnings, lighting upgrades, extended
solar power systems or other energy efficiency measures.
The maximum amount any school can claim under the National Solar Schools Program is $50,000.
The amount of funding a school is eligible for will be reduced by the full amount of any claim made
under the Green Vouchers for Schools Program.
Projects funded under the National Solar Schools Program must meet certain requirements
• The works must be carried out at a clearly defined school site.
• The supply and installation of any photovoltaic system must be done by an accredited
renewable energy designer/installer
• All works must be completed by a suitably qualified person and installed according to
relevant Australian Standards.
• The cost of on-ground works must be related to the installation of eligible items
• All the necessary Federal, State and local government regulations must be met and
approvals obtained.
It is anticipated that schools will complete their projects within six months of receiving funding.
Schools will need to carefully research options to ensure they get the best value out of their
National Solar Schools Program funding. This may include conducting an energy and water use
efficiency audit at the planning stage and contacting an accredited designer/installer to discuss the
best solar system options, and the best combination of energy and water efficiency improvements.
See attached list of eligible items and conditions

Posted by: Julie Swain


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