Your soybean checkoff is committed to building a strong future for U.S. soybean farmers. Researching value-added traits, exploring new uses, promoting soy biodiesel, supporting domestic animal agriculture, expanding overseas markets and examining new marketing opportunities are just a few of the ways your checkoff investment helps accomplish that goal.
Demand doesn't stop at the elevator
Soy biodiesel, animal agriculture, exports, edible soybean oil and new uses are five major areas of U.S. soybean demand. The links to the left have more information about these end-uses and ways you can choose varieties that maximize your demand.
A focus on the future
A focus on the future
As part of Soy 2020, your soybean checkoff is working with other members of the soybean value chain to predict the trends, market forces, challenges and opportunities that will affect our industry through the year 2020. By creating a unified vision for the future, your checkoff is helping ensure continued competitiveness for your soybeans in the global marketplace.
Tools for a successful season
Tools for a successful season
We've gathered a list of soybean production resources on subjects you care about. Subjects like soybean rust detection and pest control. We update these checkoff-funded production resources frequently to make sure you have the latest information.
Your checkoff investment checks out
Your checkoff investment checks out
Know where your checkoff funds are going - and what they're accomplishing - by clicking on the links below. You will find some of the checkoff-funded accomplishments as well as the 2006 Annual Report for a more in-depth look at these programs.
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