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Eliminate Your Junk Mail And Help The Environment!

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , , ,

Everyday your name is being sold to random companies wanting to send you advertisements about their services and products. You may casually glance through a portion of it, and there is the rare usable coupon, but most of it ends up in the recycle bin or even the trash! The average person receives about 41 pounds of junk mail every year. Seeing as most advertisers don’t use post-consumer products, millions of trees are cut down every year to produce your junk mail. After the trees are cut, energy and water are wasted to turn it into paper, pumping tons of CO2 into the air. Finally, millions of tax-dollars are wasted delivering it all. The worst part is, junk mail is an irritation! is an organization that will contact most of your junk mail companies and reduce it by 80-95% for 5 years helping you to help the environment!

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